Explore Faith


At Bread & Barley you don't have to have your faith life figured out or pretend you have it all together. We invite everyone to simply explore God's Word with us and try to live out what we learn in relationships with our friends, families and community. So come hang out and Explore Faith with us! 

Simple Beliefs


We are building a family that is exploring what it means to follow Jesus. We believe that Jesus makes all the difference, that He is God, along with the Father and the Spirit. We believe that Jesus's sacrifice makes a way for us to connect with God through His Spirit and that we are led on that journey through God's communication in His Word, The Bible.

Changed Lives


You are welcome to come on this journey with us. We believe that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what choices you've made, Jesus is inviting you into a relationship that will change your life and we just pray that he changes our lives, our community and our world.

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